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modernises Madrid´s
bus shelters
With the new technologies implemented in
bus shelters and bus stop posts, users will
be able to receive bus service and tourist
information on their smartphones, have
free WiFi connection or read when the next
scheduled bus is due on e-ink message
The Mayoress of Madrid, Ana Botella, pre-
sented this pilot project, accompanied by
representatives of Madrid City Hall, of the
Municipal Transport Company (EMT), of
CEMUSA and of FCC. “With Smart Madrid,
Spain’s capital has taken a further step
forward in becoming a benchmark smart
city”, she stated.
The objective of this project is to optimise
the public transport service through new
technologies, which are, specifically, NFC
technology, which allows information to be
transmitted between short-distance, con-
tactless devices, QR code, capable of sto-
ring data that can be easily read on mobile
devices, free-access WiFi and e-ink mes-
sage boards.
The City Hall is planning to integrate NFC
technology and QR codes into five hundred
bus shelters and bus stop posts, repre-
senting approximately 10% of the 4,205
shelters and 1,200 posts that CEMUSA
operates in the city. Citizens and tourists
will thus be able to access information in
Spanish and English via their smartphones
on the next bus due, the nearest bus stops,
interesting tourist sites and any incidents in
the service.
In addition to this novelty technology, in this
pilot trial CEMUSA will also be installing free
WiFi with roaming to buses in around ten
bus shelters that, added to the service al-
ready being provided by the buses of the
EMT, will prevent user internet connection
from being interrupted when boarding or
alighting from a bus.
These same bus shelters will be fitted with
e-ink message boards providing dynamic
information updated every 30 seconds on
arrival times, any incidents or information
of municipal interest. Electronic ink provi-
des optimal viewing in any light condition
and requires very low energy consumption.
They also incorporate a voice information
system that repeats the screen texts in se-
veral languages.
CEMUSA drives forward the development
and implementation of technological and
innovative solutions through Cemusa Tec.
Since its creation in May 2011, this brand
has focused its resources on improving the
efficiency of the urban furniture, adapting
existing ones and creating new mediums
and applications that meet the require-
ments that new smart and sustainable ur-
ban models promote. Moreover, from an
advertising point of view, it has injected a
new dynamic into the urban environment
and points of sale thanks to the added va-
lue that digital and interactive solutions offer
to advertisers: flexibility, instant content up-
dates and a greater visual impact of the
b u s i n e s s
From left to right: María Fúster (Director-General of Coordination and Provision of Urban Areas), Juan Antonio
Gómez-Angulo (Environmental and Mobility Representative), Ana Botella (Mayoress of Madrid) and Fernando Villa-
longa (Government Area Representative for the Arts, Sports and Tourism).