Page 18 - FCC_N18_eng

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FCC Logística offers in Spain and
Portugal a complete offer of solu-
tions for the supply chain through its
business units specialising in auto-
mobiles, consumer goods, pharma-
ceuticals, industry and technology,
transport and retail. The company
currently has 62 warehouses and
logistics platforms in the Iberian Pe-
ninsula, over 800,000 metres of sto-
rage, 400,000 cubic metres of refri-
geration capacity and employs over
3,600 people.
FCC Logística, a Spanish company belon-
ging to the Fomento de Construcciones y
Contratas group, has strengthened in the
first quarter of the year its presence in the
Portuguese pharmaceutical sector thanks
to agreements signed with the companies
Merial and DNA Pharma.
Merial is a world leader in veterinary medici-
nes and belongs to the international group
Sanofi. Collaboration between FCC Logísti-
ca with the Portuguese daughter company
will allow the operator to be in charge of the
tasks of goods reception, storage, order
preparation and despatch of the products
sold by Merial, both in continental Portugal
and in the islands.
This collaboration is strategic for the com-
pany, not only because it expands the array
of veterinary drugs that it distributes, par-
ticularly in controlled and refrigerated tem-
peratures, but also because it “bolsters the
existing relationship with Sanofi”.
DNA Pharma is a Portuguese pharmaceu-
tical company that sells medicines and
medical apparatus. Growing greatly in the
market, DNA Pharma has opted for an
experienced logistics operator able to res-
pond quickly to market requirements. The
operator has explained, “FCC Logística in
FCC Logística
increases its portfolio in
the Portuguese pharmaceutical sector
Portugal is a real partner of DNA Pharma,
accompanying and supporting it in its de-
velopment in the country”.
To develop these services, FCC Logística
has set up a large platform of 20,200 m
exclusively dedicated to the pharmaceutical
sector in the complex that the company has
in the town of Azambuja, close to Lisbon