In 2008, Aqualia ceased to provide servi-
ces to this town in Huelva after the public
company Giahsa was awarded the con-
tract. The town’s authorities have decided
to award the new contract, returning to the
previous indirect management model. Se-
ven months ago, Aqualia has been handling
the end-to-end water service for this town
under an emergency contract and was fi-
nally chosen by the local authorities which
awarded the company a 25-year contract.
In the image, from left to right: Rocío Delgado, secretary of the Valverde del Camino Town
Council; Loles López, the town’s mayor; Lucas Díaz, manager of Aqualia’s Southern Division,
and Francisco Jiménez, the manager of Institutional Relations of this division.
u s i n e s s
Valverde del Camino, Huelva
awards a 25-year end-to-end water
management contract to Aqualia
The company
had been providing
this service under an
emergency contract,
since the month of
March when the local
authorities terminated
the agreement with the
public company of the
province of Huelva
This contract implies a business portfolio
of 56.7 million Euros. Expiring in 2037, the
contract was executed by Loles López,
the town’s mayor, and Lucas Díaz, head of
Aqualia’s South Region division.
Under this contract, Aqualia will implement
several upgrades in the town’s water infras-
tructures, such as replacing the pumps,
the telecontrol system, the replacement of
equipment at pumping stations, and will
also be doing improvement work on the
water deposits and other processes for
producing drinking water.