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The production capacity of
the only facility of its kind
in the Canary lslands is
7,000 tons of granulated
rubber per year,
equivalent to the asphalt
used to cover
1,000 kilometres of roads.
María del Mar Arévalo Araya, regional mi-
nister of the Environment and Emergencies,
and Carlos Alberto Sánchez Ojeda, the re-
gional minister of Public Works, Infrastruc-
tures, and Water of the Gran Canaria Coun-
cil, visited the used tyre recycling facility run
by GENEUS Canarias (owned by FCC Ám-
bito, an FCC Group subsidiary) which was
awarded the project in a tender organized
by SIGNUS in 2008 to build these facilities
and to provide this service.
Worth an investment of five million Euros,
the facility which started operations in May
2012, has an annual recycling capacity
of 10,500 tons, that is, the total number
of tyres generated in the Canary Islands.
According to SIGNUS data, 8,530 tons of
used tyres were collected in 2012 of which
958 tons were handled in the autonomous
community (for second-hand sales and for
visit the first tyre recycling plant
The Regional Government of
Gran Canaria
retreading) while the remaining amount was
transferred outside the islands to be used in
waste-to-energy facilities.
The start of operations of this recycling plan
will contribute to achieving two objectives:
firstly, that all unused tyres in the Canary
Islands can be recycled at these facilities;
and, secondly that all recycled products
can be used in different applications and,
preferably, in the islands.
The Gran Canary City Council has shown
in this visit its interest in gaining first-hand
information on the functioning of this plant,
including the possibilities that it offers that
will benefit the entire population of the po-
pulation in the islands.
From left to right: the Regional Minister of Assets and Water of Gran Canaria Island; Francisco
Miguel Santana Melián; the councilman for Urban Development, the Environment, Assets, and Con-
tracting of the Telde (Las Palmas) City Council; Francisco A. López Sánchez; María del Mar Arévalo
Araya, regional minister of the Environment and Emergencies; Jesús Mª Núñez Imaz, Managing
Director of Signus Ecovalo; the regional minister of Public Works and Infrastructures of the Gran
Canaria Retional Government, Carlos Alberto Sánchez Ojeda; and Francisco Javier Fuentes Martín,
the Director of FCC Ambito’s Centro-Levante-Canarias Regional offices.
In the centre, María del Mar Arévalo Araya, regional minister of the Environment and Emergencies,
with employees from the tyre recycling plant.