Page 17 - FCC-N15-eng

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u s i n e s s
R&D projects, which are then developed
at Andalusian universities and at the Solar
Platform and the Advanced Technology
Centre for Renewable Energy, both in Al-
mería. Córdoba is the second Andalusian
province in terms of installed solar thermal
capacity, accounting for 31% of the regio-
nal total.
Mr González noted that Guzmán “repre-
sents a milestone for FCC because it exem-
plifies our progress in renewable energies.
We headed the development, funding,
construction and operation of the plant with
the invaluable help of our partners: Mitsui,
on the investment side, and FCC Industrial,
Abantia and Seridom, on the construction
The plant will benefit from its ideal location
in Palma del Río: it is one of the best sites
in Europe in terms of insolation, and it has
easy access to water and gas supply and
suitable power offtake structures. The plant
will produce enough energy to meet the
electricity needs of 26,000 people (around
100,000 MWh) and will reduce emissions
by approximately 100,000 tons of CO