Page 12 - FCC-N15-eng

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The Technological Tips and many
other documents for helping the end
user are being programmed using the
RWD – uperform product that makes it
possible to simulate the steps for ob-
taining a specific result in our PCs.
The aim of the tool is to standardise
the training documentation prepared
by information systems division and to
create users’ manuals. The following
document explains how to use these
Link for viewing the simulations
The enormous progress achieved in infor-
mation and communication technologies
has had a great impact in all areas of our
society. Information technologies represent
a great step forward in our daily lives, even
though it may seem difficult for us to keep
technological tips
up with the progress achieved because of
the deployment speed of these new tech-
The Information Systems Division wants to
address the demand for initiatives to trans-
form these changes into opportunities for
improvement and encourage greater use
of these technologies, so that instead of
an obstacle, these can be used on a daily
As a result of this and with the intention of
optimising the use of technological appli-
cations, the FCC Information Systems and
Technology Division has created this space
to offer “technological tips” to promote the
proper use of these new technologies.
What are “Technological Tips?
These technological tips are step-by-step
simulations that you can see in your PC
which show, in a simple and clear fashion,
the way to obtain the maximum performan-
ce from the software at our disposal. You
can also check the user’s manual in a PDF
What are the advantages
of the “Technological Tips”?
Save time and efforts that are not ne-
cessary: the most common tasks that
seem long and difficult are made simple
and advantageous for our daily work.
You will learn about the functionalities
of your software which you did not use
You will also increase your knowled-
ge and will be able to take advantage
of progress achieved in information te-
“Technological Tips” have been created
with a document management application
known as Uperform. You do not have to
install any new application in your compu-
ter and will not require any user account or
password. To access these technological
tips, all you have to do is go to: