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The third international conference on FCC
Human Resources was held on 10 and 11
October in El Escorial (Madrid). The direc-
tors and managers from this department
from the main countries or geographical
areas where FCC operates participated in
this meeting, including those from Spain,
the United States, Austria, the United King-
dom, Central America, Czechoslovakia and
Central Europe.
Headed by Francisco Martín Monteagudo,
the managing director of the FCC Group
Human Resources division, the mee-
ting is held annually. The objective of this
initiative is to bolster the functions of this
department, establishing the strategies,
combining policies and determining the
Third lnternational
FCC Human Resources Conference
o r p o r a t e
value through
synergies to be able to develop a service
focused on business needs, greater quali-
ty, and which improves the efficiency of the
company’s most important assets: its hu-
man resources.
The workshops organized for this confe-
rence focused this year on creating value
through people, focusing on human resou-
rces policies and projects that contribute to
the company’s current internationalisation
drive, as a priority, under the premise of
greater efficiency.
The contributions resulting from this confe-
rence are being considered in the prepara-
tion of the strategic lines that will be imple-
mented from now until 2015.