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Let us open
our minds and do good
things together because
we are all in the same
u e s t - c o l u m n
We are still not thinking at an international
scale as a group and this could be because
we don’t or don’t want to understand and
respect other countries as we should.
Seizing opportunities
The current economic situation makes it
necessary to abide by strict rules in inves-
tment projects. We should, however, be
prepared and willing to invest when FCC
allows us to, as mentioned by José Manuel
Velasco, managing director of FCC Com-
munication and Corporate Responsibility.
We must persevere with our projects and
avoid making excuses. As experience has
shown, we must be ready on time to launch
a new product or service which, in some
cases, could take years.
We must seize market opportunities; look
for new clients, services, and technologies
to improve our market positioning. A “Bu-
siness Refocusing” is necessary to change
the “in-house mentality”; from Waste Mana-
gement to Urban Services (diversification)
and from Waste Management to Resource
Management (re-orientation).
And, if the conditions are not right for “step-
ping out”, we must consider it an opportu-
nity to optimise our organizational structure,
align our processes to our needs, prepare a
unified IT system to support our business,
take advantage of synergies and learn
more, be prepared for any challenge posed
by the market.
These and many other new ideas came up
from the form filled out by the more than
100 people who participated this year at
.A.S.A.0s “Tagung”, the meeting of all ma-
nagers from all countries where .A.S.A:
operates and FCC colleagues. We know
the right road for .A.S.A.’s future develop-
ment. This was evident in the professional
presentations made by national managers
who objectively assessed the situation in
their respective countries and realistically
defined the potential for future growth.
We must become aware that we are a
Group, a world, and that we are all inter-
connected. Let us open our minds and do
good things together because we are all in
the same boat!