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“An important job had to be done and
Everybody was convinced that Somebody
would do it. Anybody could have done it,
but Nobody did it. Somebody was upset
because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody
thought that Anybody could do it, but No-
body realised that Everybody would not do
it. At the end, Everybody blamed Somebo-
dy when Nobody did what Anybody could
have done”.
Although it may seem funny, this situation is
commonplace among all groups at all com-
panies. This could be attributed to a com-
bination of several factors; in-house com-
munication principles that are not too clear,
misunderstood, or because there could be
different nationalities, genders, or expecta-
tions, or a lack of clear definition of proces-
ses, competencies, and responsibilities.
Perhaps you know the message behind this
story in the day-to-day routine at .A.S.A.
We all have problems and we need to re-
solve them together. Sometimes we have
to stop and look at ourselves in the mi-
rror; we should improve communication,
share information, cooperate, and transfer
knowledge and the best practices to ensu-
re that the correct information is on the right
table at the right time.
We don’t take advantage of all available op-
portunities because of the lack of internatio-
nal cooperation and transfer of knowledge.
Perhaps this is because we don’t believe
or trust that somebody could do something
better or faster than us; we continue to lack
a group mentality and of them the reason
is that we don’t understand or don’t want
to understand or respect other countries as
we should.
Being more efficient
We could achieve cost savings by being
more efficient rather than by paying twice
for the cost of a development that some-
body else developed. We don’t have to re-
invent the wheel, pay twice, or repeat the
same mistakes made by others. We don’t
have to discover America over and over
again because we know that this has al-
ready been done!
All this could improve. We must break away
from our own schemes, knock down the
barriers that restrict us, and begin to take
advantage of available synergies, learn from
others, and not be afraid to try something
The world of .A.S.A.
A company that knows no borders
Let us start by telling a
story by Frans Predl, head
of .A.S.A. business
development at “Tagung”,
the managers’ convention
held in Budapest.
lt is about four characters:
Everybody, Somebody,
Anybody, and Nobody.
By: Lucie Zumrová
.A.S.A. Communications Manager