workers’ health:
a challenge
in prevention
Monitoring work-related diseases and in-
juries requires the systematic and ongoing
control of health-related episodes in the
active population in order to prevent and
control occupational hazards as well as as-
sociated diseases and injuries.
Although health monitoring is an activity
that falls within the scope of Occupational
Medicine, it implies multidisciplinary inte-
raction and complementarities with other
parties in the Prevention Department.
It requires the input of information from
other specialist and contributes, in turn, to
the results of a specific activity in the inter-
disciplinary area of hazard assessment and
prevention planning. The second paragra-
ph of Section 15.2 of the Regulations of the
Prevention Services in relation to interdisci-
plinary coordination applies to this activity.
Health Monitoring should be:
Guaranteed by the employer, restricting its
scope work-related hazards.
Specific, depending on the hazards identi-
fied and their assessment.
Voluntary for the worker, except under any
of the following circumstances: