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renews its
teaching tools
With the start of the new school year, Aqua-
lia prepared three teaching tools in order to
teach children, in a fun way and formats
adapted to the young set, in order to teach
them about the end-to-end water cycle.
The protagonists are Glu-glu and Hidrokid,
fun fiction characters created especially
for the educational activities conducted by
Aqualia in the countries where it operates.
End-to-end water cycle brought closer to youngsters
Hidrokid, the water guardian, is the prota-
gonist of a fun comic – in Spanish, Portu-
guese, and Catalan – on the end-to-end
water cycle and the main processes invol-
ved, from collecting water to returning it to
the environment in optimal conditions. The
child-hero guides Lidia and Guille in an en-
tertaining trip where different characters ex-
plain the importance of using water respon-
sibly as the best way to preserve the planet.
Glu-glu is a vivacious drop of water who
is a friend of Hidrokid, and who will be in
charge of teaching children everything there
is to know o n water treatment in the twel-
ve pages of the comic. This charming drop
of water also has a video of nearly six mi-
nutes where it describes desalination and
explains concepts such as reverse osmo-
sis, pressure pumps, and sustainability. Co-
ming from Glu-glu, these lessons are much
easier to understand.
The development of these new tools, de-
signed especially for this purpose, and to
be used by Aqualia professionals when they
visit schools, underscores the company’s
commitment to teaching and education for
the new generations to ensure that they are
receive the proper education on taking care
of the environment.
o c i a l
e s p on s i b i l i t y