Page 57 - FCC-N14-eng

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e o p l e
vironment does! The name was not known
in the UK so we introduced the strap line
‘from waste to resource’ and made the look
of our rebrand very visual to explain the di-
fferent services we offer to our customers.
Already FCC Environment has made great
progress in transforming the business from
two separate companies to one that is re-
ducing landfill, recognising material value
and producing renewable energy. As part
of the change, we have broken the busi-
ness down into five distinct service areas
which include municipal services, business
waste solutions, green energy, recycling,
and waste processing such as hazardous
waste treatment.
What is the current position of FCC Envi-
ronment in the market and what are the
major challenges you face?
FCC Environment is the fifth biggest re-
cycling and waste management company
in the UK, but we have ambitious plans in
place. Moving away from our reliance on
landfill has been the biggest change for the
business in recent years and we are ma-
king real progress, which is exciting for us
all. For example on many of our existing
landfill sites waste volumes are decreasing
so we are building recycling and energy
recovery facilities alongside them. We are
also rapidly developing our network of
energy from waste (EfW) plants so that we
can make the most of the value and energy
embedded in waste which has traditionally
gone to landfill.
Where do you see other possibilities for
cooperation between A.S.A. and FCC En-
Many of A.S.A and FCC Environment’s as-
pirations are the same so there are lots of
opportunities to work together and to learn
from each other. For example, both busi-
nesses are focussed on providing the right
recycling and waste solutions for commer-
cial, industrial and household customers.
And both businesses want to make sure
that we extract as much value as possible
from our waste – either through recycling or
energy recovery.
For FCC Environment, this means develo-
ping our collection and processing infras-