Page 39 - FCC-N14-eng

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The new Gerona station
The contract to build the first phase of the
Girona station was awarded to a joint ven-
ture comprising FCC Construcción, Dra-
gados, Copisa Constructora Pirenaica and
Tecsa Empresa Constructora.
The project includes a creative solution to
house all of the station’s functions in a single
building. Specifically, the plan calls for the
execution of a building providing access to
the high-speed platforms, together with all
the related facilities and equipment.
From the conventional gauge station ves-
tibule at ground level, the existing walkway
will be enclosed and adapted to create a di-
rect access to the new building.
The building will connect with the under-
ground high-speed railway platforms via two
intermediate vestibule levels, which will be
built around a large vertical shaft to illuminate
the platforms with natural light.
The future high-speed railway station, mea-
suring 640 m long and 55 m wide, will be
located 22 m below grade. Four sidings and
two high-speed platforms, measuring 450
m, will be located on the lower level.
This contract will provide the city of Girona
with facilities that guarantee accessibility, sa-
fety, comfort and customer service.
u s i n e s s