Page 38 - FCC-N14-eng

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Official visit of representatives
of the Madrid Autonomous Community to the
El Alto cement factory
awarded two
new high-speed
railway contracts
worth 123 million
The councilman of the Economy of the Madrid Autonomous Community visited
the El Alto cement factory in Morata de Tajuña (Madrid). He was received by
José María Aracama, assistant to the president of Production and Sales of Ce-
mentos Portland Valderrivas; Luis Ángel Herreras, manager of the facility; and
Manuel Oreja, marketing director.
Percival Manglano, former councilman, replaced at the end of September, was
accompanied by José María Rotellar, vice-councilman of the Treasury of the
Madrid Autonomous Community, and Carlos López Jimeno, general manager of
Industry, Energy and Mines. The former councilman of the Madrid Autonomous
Community participated in several presentations by Aracama and Herreras on
the Group and on the El Alto factory.
Waste soil remediation
Besides visiting the facilities and learning about the cement-manufacturing pro-
cess, they also witnessed the controlled explosion of a 157 metre wall, and
highlighted the “waste soil remediation work” performed by the company in
accordance with mining and environmental regulations which involves planting
pine and olive trees in various phases.
In his speech, Aracama stressed the environmental commitment of Cementos
Portland Valderrivas and mentioned, as examples, the recovery of quarries and
the use of energy from non-hazardous waste.
The plant’s manager, Luis Herreras, explained reforestation of the quarries and
also pointed out that the company is wagering on the sale of technology by
marketing patents so as to increase profitability despite the drop in the demand
for cement.
Spain’s Administrator of Railway Infrastruc-
tures (Adif), which is part of the Infrastructure
Ministry, has awarded FCC two new con-
tracts worth a total of more than 123 million
FCC, the Citizen Services group, will build
the Vilariño-Camobecerros section of the
Madrid-Galicia high-speed railway (North-
Northwest corridor) for 97.8 million euro. The
construction period is 38 months.
The group will also build the first phase of the
new high-speed railway station in Girona, for
25 million euro. The construction period is
10 months.
Vilariño-Campobecerros section
This section, which was awarded to a joint
venture comprising FCC Construcción,
Contratas y Ventas, and Construcciones y
Obras Llorente, measures 7.9 km and pas-
ses though Castrelo do Val, A Gudiña and
Vilariño de Conso, in Ourense province.
It includes the construction of Bolaños tun-
nel (6,780 m) and a viaduct over the Val de
Parada River (41 m).