Page 22 - FCC-N14-eng

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Energy efficiency
for lighting
FCC has prepared a Technical Energy
Efficiency Guide for lighting with the colla-
boration of the FCC SIE and FCC Energy
Corporate Expenses and General Services.
The objective of this guide is the optimisa-
tion of energy in the current park of lighting
fixtures and to promote an energy culture
among people who, although not techni-
cians in this activity, are responsible for the
maintenance of these fixtures.
The use of light in the activities carried out
in corporate spaces is based on two fun-
damental principles: ensuring the optimal
conditions for carrying out activities, provi-
ding a workplace as comfortable as pos-
sible and, secondly, achieving maximum
energy efficiency and the maximum energy
savings in order to cut costs and reduce the
energy expenses.
From the energy and environmental stand-
point, we should point out that even though
energy consumption for lighting purposes is
not the main item in total energy consump-
tion in buildings; we could achieve potential
cost savings of approximately 30% as well
as the reduction of millions of tons of CO
emissions to air.
Therefore, it is essential to use efficient
lighting by using high-performance lighting
fixtures incorporating low-consumption
ancillary equipment and bulbs with a high
light/watt profile, plus the use of systems
for regulating and controlling light according
to the needs of the specific space. This will
enable us to achieve good comfort levels
without sacrificing energy efficiency.
Data on energy consumption
of lighting fixtures
Accounts for 20% of total energy consumed in households.
Represents 70% of total electricity consumed in city streets.
Accounts for 19% of total energy consumed in the world.