Page 21 - FCC-N14-eng

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Luis Suárez
Director of Labour Relations
at the FCC Group
o r p o r a t e
Complicity; that was the word. While
everything was going well, there had been
complicity between the two friends, not just
work colleagues; but when things started
going wrong, she chose to look the other
way, cover her ears, be an accomplice with
her silence.
When the nurse finally talked to her to tell
her that her friend was not longer in that
ward, that she had been transferred, she
was hardly able to ask if they had taken her
to another floor; the nurse’s look left her no
doubt. She pressed her nails to the palm of
her hand until she almost bled.
Her mind just turned and turned when she
was in the elevator thinking about the years
of betrayed friendship, disappointment,
which had just ended with a coup de gra-
ce. What irony! Even for an end like this one
there was still something to add more salt
to the wound.
When she left the building, she noticed two
policemen escorting a somewhat disheve-
lled man, with shoulders too heavy for so-
mebody his age. Even though she had just
seen him from behind and only for a few
seconds while he was forced to enter the
police car, she had no doubt in her mind:
it was him.
The police car ran off with the siren crying
her pain and she was left alone, staring
at the back of the bus shelter, her eyes
clouded by her tears, fixed and full of rage,
until bit by bit, she saw what she had before
her eyes, a poster with four words that were
engraved in her mind forever: 016, don’t let
it happen.
FCC has been collaborating for the past two years with the Ministry of Health, Social
Services, and Equality with which we entered into a collaboration agreement to raise
awareness and towards integration in the workforce. This was subsequently supple-
mented by several other agreements with entities specialised in the incorporation of
disadvantaged groups in the workforce, entities such as Fundación Integra and the
Spanish Red Cross, to implement measures aimed at raising awareness and promo-
ting integration in the workforce.