Page 16 - FCC-N14-eng

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If you are no longer living with the ag-
Do not agree to meet him alone, the se-
paration period is high risk.
Avoid giving your personal data (ad-
dress of your new home, telephone
number, etc.), give it only to people that
you trust.
Explain the situation in the school and
tell them about the only people who are
able to pick up the children.
What should you do if you notice that so-
meone who is close is suffering from gen-
der violence?
Gender violence is not a private affair; it is
a social scourge and we must all fight aga-
inst it, not tolerating any discriminatory or
degrading attitudes against women, sup-
porting those who are or who have been
victims of gender violence.
If you notice that someone close to you is
suffering from gender violence, talk to her,
but do not judge her or force her to take
any decision; respect her timing and her
silence. It is important that she feels that
she can talk to you, whatever she does and
whatever she decides.
If you witness or suspect that an aggres-
sion is taking place (for example, in your
neighbourhood), call 112.
If you have a colleague at work who has
suffered from gender violence:
Respect her decision on whether or
not she wishes to disclose this situa-
tion at the workplace.
Support her in her emotional recovery
Constant personal disqualifications, the
constant repetition of “you are worthless”
directly or indirectly, make her start to be-
lieve that this is the case. All of a person’s
psychological structure, how she sees her
body, the image that others have of her,
the values and ideas, in short, everything
that gives life coherence and a purpose
are systematically invaded. It takes time
to recover from this erosion of self-esteem
and, for this recovery to take place, the
support of people around her, also at the
workplace, is essential.
If a woman who has been a victim of gen-
der violence is part of the workforce where
you are employed:
Know and respect her rights in the
work surroundings. Check the Guide
on the Rights of Women who are Vic-
tims of Gender Violence:.
Link: Guide prepared by the Ministry
Post messages at the workplace aga-
inst gender violence; a poster for rai-
sing awareness, a meeting or discus-
sion with a local entity who works with
these women...
Do not tolerate at your workplace
any sexist remarks or images and en-
courage equality-based attitudes (for
What is gender violence?
Some warning signs