Page 13 - FCC-N14-eng

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o r p o r a t e
been victims of gender violence, for María,
joining the workforce and having a stable
job was one of the basic strategies to bols-
ter her self-esteem and self-recognition,
while at the same time becoming personally
and financially independent.
Committed to equality
Aware of this reality and committed to equal
opportunities as an element for social cohe-
sion and for the improvement of corporate
objectives, as stipulated in its Equality and
Diversity Policy, FCC promotes a culture
based on inclusion which seeks, respects,
and appreciates diversity.
This commitment is reflected in several ac-
tions and measures:
Training and awareness-building mea-
sures on equality and on preventing
harassment (including taking part in the
campaigns against Gender Violence or-
ganized by the Ministry of Health, Social
Services and Equality).
Preparing and implementing equality
plans to promote equal opportunities in
its workforce.
Entering into a collaboration agreement
with the Red Cross Employment Plan
to encourage the incorporation in the
workforce of women who have been
victims of gender violence, a collabora-
tion that is in keeping with the agree-
ment also entered into with the Ministry
of Health, Social Services, and Equality
to promote this issue among leading
As part of this collaboration, we transferred
the positive experience of one of FCC’s bu-
siness lines where four women, victims of
gender violence, were incorporated in the
workforce. The interview was with people
who work at FCC; however, we cannot dis-
close their identity.