Page 12 - FCC-N14-eng

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María (fictitious name) has been divorced
for a year and since she has the custody
of a minor, must come in contact with her
aggressor when he goes to see the minor,
as stipulated in the divorce agreement. This
remains a problem for her and she uses a
family member as an intermediary since she
still does not have a restraining order.
Despite this, she believes that her recovery
is at an advanced stage and when she
looks back and realises what she has been
able to surmount, she feels rather proud of
her achievement.
Currently, one of her biggest problem is that
she has to pay the mortgage and other de-
bts herself since her ex-husband is no lon-
ger contributing to these payments. For her,
having a job that allows her to pay for these
expenses is essential.
“Fundamental strength is
within yourself”
For her, her son is the support and main
reason for escaping from a violent situation.
Thanks to he, she became aware of the
seriousness of what was happening and
that she was under the obligation of taking
steps and fighting against this situation. Af-
ter three years, she faces life with this same
philosophy: fundamental strength is within
yourself, all you have to do is to bring it out.
Once she took the decision, the support of
her mother and other women who had ex-
perienced the same situation was essential.
As in the case of many women who have
Supporting women
who have been
victims of
gender violence