The 2nd FCC Eco-efficiency Awards were
celebrated in March of this year. Two of the
winners, Ignacio Báñez and Antonio Bení-
tez, wanted to share their prize, a trip to
New York, with us, and have attached the
photographs taken during their trip.
Ignacio and Antonio, with their colleagues
Manuel Fernández and Miguel Ángel Ra-
mirez, submitted the project: “Automatic
traffic restriction system for improving air
quality in Madrid”, which won the prize in
the category “Prize for the best idea or pro-
ject that improve the lives of citizens” in this
II edition of the awards.
One of FCC’s key objectives is for eco-
efficiency to become a trademark of the
company. These prizes are an international
initiative which aims to reward ideas or ac-
tions carried out by the employees of the
Citizen Services Group in any part of the
.A.S.A. employees participate in the
“Major Cleaning up of Serbia”
As in previous years, .A.S.A. and its em-
ployees participated in the “Major Cleaning
up of Serbia” program in the North Banato,
Branicevo, Sumadija, and Pomoravlje re-
gions, where the company carries out was-
te collection and removal services. A total of
34 tons of waste were collected.
In Kikinda, the company transported nine
tons of waste from urban and suburban
areas to the landfill site. The Vrbak landfill
site eliminated 15 tons of waste: four tons
from Despotovac; seven from Lapovo, and
five from Batocina. Ten tons were collected
in the Branicevo region from the towns of
Zagubica, Malo Crnice, Zabari and Kucevo.
In Zabari, 1,200 bags of recyclable was-
te, mainly plastic bottles (PET) and paper
were collected. Besides the 42 employees
assigned, and the nine trucks and heavy
machinery provided to the towns for this
campaign, another 39 .A.S.A. employees
participated voluntarily in all the Serbian ci-
ties where the company operates.
This confirms not only the high level of the
Company’s social responsibility and wi-
llingness to participate in actions in favour
of the environment, but also sets a good
example to all .A.S.A. personnel to promote
the development of individual philanthropy.
Winners of the
share the experience
of their trip to New York
e o p l e