Pedro José Cifuentes Rosso,
receives a prize for his
eco-efficient, sustainable,
and responsible project
6th Edition of the
FCC Construcción
Paddle Tournament
PARJAP Magazine gives him an honourable
mention for his article: “New plague affecting
Ficus trees: Macrohomotoma Gladiata and its
biological control with Anthocoris nemoralis”.
The Spanish Association of Public Parks
and Gardens celebrated its 24th National
Congress in the city of León on 1 June. At
the closing ceremony, the prizes granted by
this association to the most relevant pro-
jects of the year were awarded.
Pedro José Cifuentes Rosso, an Agriculture
Technical Engineer and Head of FCC Medio
Ambiente’s Parks and Gardens Department
in Murcia-Almeria, received the award from
PARJAP Magazine for his article “New pla-
gue affecting Ficus trees: Macrohomoto-
ma Gladiata and its biological control with
Anthocoris nemoralis”.
The panel of judges which included the
country’s leading experts chose this text as
the second most voted article. The text of
minutes mentioned and valued “the novelty
and interest of this subject, the develop-
ment of research, and the author’s personal
involvement achieved favourable and appli-
cable results”.
Research, conducted over the course of
three years at the Parks and Gardens De-
partment of the city of Cartagena, not only
identified for the first time a new plague
The 6th Edition of the Paddle Tournament
organized by a group of employees at the
FCC Technical Services department was
held on 21 June. Employees from various
FCC departments participated at the event
which was held at the Somontes Sports
As in every year since 2007, several em-
ployees of the Technical Departments in
the construction area organized a paddle
tournament which has been growing in the
number of participants and is increasingly
important within the company.
This year, 35 Group employees and family
members participated. All paddle games
from the three different categories – Elite,
Premium, and “Simpatía” were played on
the same day to facilitate the coordination
of the participants.
Once the competition was over, the prizes
were given out, all of which were made
possible thanks to the collaboration of se-
veral entities and, particularly, to the good
disposition of the participants.
The organizers of the tournament encoura-
ge everyone to participate in next year’s 7th
edition 2013 of the Paddle Tournament for
the sole purpose of having fun and enjoying
comradeship that goes beyond strictly pro-
fessional activities.
Link to the Construcción intranet: http://
affecting the city’s trees, but also applied a
solution to the problem based on eco-effi-
cient, sustainable, and socially responsible
Another two prizes
In addition to this award, the author recei-
ved two additional PARJAP prizes: in 2006
for his article “The Soul of a Tree” and in
2010 for the text entitled “Diagnosis of
green zones for Local Agenda 21”.