Page 33 - FCC-N13-eng-06

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awarded end-to-end water
management contract in Barbate
The local authorities of Barbate, in a project
put out to tender, awarded Aqualia a mana-
gement contract which will be in force until
2037 and is worth 78.7 m8illion Euro, for
the municipal water service.
Aqualia will implement several technical up-
grades, including a remote control system
that will make it possible to monitor and
control the municipal water service installa-
tions; the upgrading of valves; installation of
meters for optimal control of consumption;
segmentation of the network to prevent the
suspension of water supply in major parts
of the city in the event of incidences by di-
viding the supply network into different sec-
tions, and the creation of a digital map of
the networks.
A primarily fishing town and famous for its
tuna fish, Barbate attracts a large number
of tourists who visit its beaches, such as
those in Zahara de los Atunes and Los Ca-
ños de Meca.
u s i n e s s