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FCC Ámbito
awarded soil
decontamination project
The National Rail Company of Romania
(CFR) has awarded FCC Construcción, in
a joint venture with ALPINE, FCC’s Aus-
trian subsidiary, AZVI and STRACO, a third
contract valued at 365.8 million Euro to
renovate and enhance the railway running
between Vintu des Jos and Simeria in Tran-
sylvania, Romania.
The rail section, which is part of the IV Pan-
European Corridor, is 43 km long and in-
cludes the upgrading and revamping of this
rail infrastructure to ensure a speed of 160
km/hour throughout its entire length. Euro-
pean Commission funds will fund 85% of
the project.
FCC Ámbito won a contract for the environ-
mental remediation project at the contami-
nated plot of land known as “El Hondón” in
Cartagena, Murcia. Measuring 108 hecta-
res, the plot is situated in the middle of an
area in growing urban expansion.
The project is divided into two phases. The
first one involves the determining contami-
nation of the soil, treatability studies, and
the subsequent preparation of the decon-
tamination project. This phase will be com-
pleted after the project is approved by the
competent Government authorities.
The second phase involves the execution of
decontamination work where FCC Ámbito
will implement the best available techno-
logies. These include soil cleaning techni-
ques, stabilisation and off-site confinement.
Worth 20 million Euro, the project invol-
ves 1,200,000 m
of materials requiring
Ámbito has more than 20 years’ experien-
ce in soil decontamination projects. These
include the decontamination of the Madrid-
Barajas Airport site and the Flix Dam in Ta-
All work involved in the project is expected
to be completed over a three-year period.
Third major rail contract
awarded this year in Romania
With a total budget of 830 million euro for
the three rail projects in Romania, FCC’s
presence in the country is greatly reinfor-
This new contract award is in addition to
the 246 million euro contract awarded to
the company last February for the renova-
tion of a 28 km section of railway between
Timisoara and Atel and the 29.6 km Atel-
Micasasa section awarded in the month of
May with a budget of 217.7 million euro.
Both sections pertain to the Simeria-Brasov
In all, some 830 million Euro will be spent
to build more than 100 km of new railway in
Transylvania, Romania. All three projects are
part of the IV Pan European Corridor and
the plans to expand the Trans-European In-
frastructure Network from Nuremberg and
Dresden to Prague, Bratislava and from
Budapest to Bucharest and Constanta.
FCC projects in
FCC has had a constant presence in
this country since 2004, where it par-
ticipates in the development of the
country’s infrastructure.
In recent years, FCC has renovated
more than 150 km of national highways
and 50 km of motorways and has un-
dertaken singular projects such as the
Basarab and Otopeni cable-stayed
bridges in Bucharest. FCC is currently
participating in the construction of a
new underground line in Bucharest
and the Constanta by-pass.