award for the
best in innovation
FCC won the Silver Bioenergy Award for
the best innovation thanks to its implemen-
tation of a microgeneration facility for re-
cycling biogas from landfill sites at the Bar-
banza Environmental Complex in Lousame
(La Coruña).
Guillermo de Cal, manager of the Environ-
ment Division in Galicia, and Jacobo Pati-
ño, Operations Manager at the Barbanza
Environmental Complex collected the prize
at the event coinciding with the seminars on
bioenergy and waste-to-energy, and waste
treatment within the framework of the In-
ternational Fair on Energy and the Environ-
These awards, given out by ATEGRUS
(Technical Association for Waste Ma-
nagement, Urban Sanitation, and the
Environment) aim to assess and se-
lect the measures implemented by
cities and towns, public and private
companies involved in the implemen-
tation or management of biomass
and biofuels facilities or those with
other technologies to convert was-
te into energy; the promotion and
distribution of bioenergy, and tech-
nological development in this field.
ment, GENERA 2012, held in Madrid on 23
and 24 May.
These awards, given out by ATEGRUS
(Technical Association for Waste Manage-
ment, Urban Sanitation, and the Environ-
ment) aim to assess and select the mea-
sures implemented by cities and towns,
public and private companies involved in
the implementation or management of bio-
mass and biofuels facilities or those with
other technologies to convert waste into
energy; the promotion and distribution of
bioenergy, and technological development
in this field.
The FCC project focuses on making use of
biogas captured at landfill sites which up
to now had been burned. This process is
carried out at a microgeneration plant con-
sisting mainly of a biogas treatment unit
with an active carbon tank where biogas is
cleaned, dried, and compressed and sent
to two biogas turbines with a net electricity
power of 130 Kw.
The power generated is consumed at the
same environmental complex and any sur-
plus power can be sold to the grid. Com-
bustion gases at the turbines are used at a
210 Kw recovery unit the function of which
is to heat the water of the circuit of a bio-
mass boiler with a leachate treatment unit
at the facility. Thanks to this process, the
consumption of biogas for the boiler is re-
duced significantly.
This project maximises environmental ob-
jectives by reducing greenhouse gas emis-
sions to air and optimising, energy-wise,
the cogeneration processes.