new international award
Aragonés 2012 Award
Aqualia received in Rome the Water Deal
of the Year 2012 award for the financial
closure of the El Realito project in Mexico.
Miguel Jurado, deputy-managing director
of the Development and International area
collected the prize which was handed out
by Craig Venter, a scientist and Príncipe de
Asturias award-winner for his human ge-
nome research. Aqualia was also recently
awarded a prize by Euromoney’s Project Fi-
nance magazine and was also a candidate
for the Partnership Awards.
FCC won the Aragonés 2012 Award for
Corporate Strength given out by El Perió-
dico de Aragón every year based on the
votes received by the newspaper’s readers.
Manuel Liébana, head of FCC Medio Am-
biente in Aragon collected by the award,
mentioning that the key objective of the
services rendered by FCC was enhance the
sustainability of cities.
Since 1941, FCC has been in charge of
providing waste collection services in Za-
ragoza, collecting more than 600 tons of
waste every, cleaning more than 5,000
metres of sewage, and performing mainte-
nance and upkeep of 500 hectares of parks
and gardens. It addition to managing these
services in the three capital cities of this au-
tonomous region, the Company also pro-
vides services in other cities such as Jaca,
Tarazona, and Calatayud. Nearly 2,000
people work every day to meet the needs
of nearly one million residents in Aragon.
Readers of El Periódico de Aragon gran-
ted the Aragonés of the Year award for the
refurbishment of the Cathedral of Tarazo-
Aqualia received
the Water Deal of the Year
2012 award for the
financial closure of the
El Realito project in Mexico.
In the Water Deal of the Year category, won
by El Realito, the other candidates were the
Muharraq project in Bahrein, the Soreq pro-
ject in Israel, and the Mundaring project in
Australia, in which Acciona Agua participa-
ted and which came in second place.
The other award-winners in this category
were Veolia, General Electric y CH2M Hill.
Coinciding with the event, Miguel Jurado
participated in the conferences, chairing a
round table discussion on “New Challenges
in Central and Eastern Europe”.
Global Water Intelligence is the most im-
portant international award of its kind and
is given out each year during the conferen-
ces that bring together the leading players
in this industry.
na, and the Honorary Aragonés award to
Carlos Carnicer, chairman of the Spanish
lawyers association. Other winners this
year included ATADAS in the Human Va-
lues category; Paula Ortiz, film director, in
the Culture category; Ander Herreras, a
soccer player in the Sports category, and
Don Bosco, in the Science and Technology
On the left, Miguel Jurado, deputy-managing di-
rector of the Development and International De-
partment, collected the prize from Craig Venter,
a scientist and Príncipe de Asturias award-winner
for this research on the human genome.
Manuel Liébana, on the left, at the award cere-
u s i n e s s