moves in Central and
European markets through
Leader in football
stadium construction
Even before the outcome of the 2012
UEFA Euro championship - currently ta-
king place in Poland and Ukraine since 7
June - is known, a champion has already
been declared in this European tourna-
ment: Alpine. The Central and Eastern
European subsidiary of the Citizens’
Services Group built three of the sta-
diums where the matches will be played.
They include the Warsaw National Sta-
dium where the inaugural match bet-
ween Poland and Greece will be played,
the PGA Arena in Gdansk, where the first
round of the Spanish team’s matches will
be played, and the Poznan municipal sta-
where Alpine already
operates, and Hong
Kong, target markets
in Eastern Asia
Alpine, the Austrian subsidiary of FCC
Construcción, will concentrate on its do-
mestic markets (Austria, Germany, Slova-
kia and the Czech Republic, primarily) in a
commercial offensive to gain market sha-
re in these Central and Eastern European
countries, according to the new Managing
Director, Johannes Dotter.
Besides these “natural” markets, Alpine’s
new Director cited two specific examples
in Eastern Asia. First, Singapore, a market
where the Central European company al-
ready has a firm footing thanks to the cons-
truction of various underground lines and
Hong Kong where the company has set up
an office to explore the business possibili-
ties in the Chinese market.
The new Managing Director of Alpine no-
ted that one of its greatest strengths can
be found in the construction of sustainable
infrastructures and facilities for athletic and
multitudinous events, such as the Glass
Palace in Baku, Azerbaijan, the venue for
this year’s Eurovision Festival.
Besides focusing on its domestic markets
dium which will be the venue of the match
between Italy and Croatia, Spain’s rival in
the first round. Along with these three facili-
ties, Alpine also remodelled the Henryk Re-
yman Stadium in Krakow. This is a stadium
which the UEFA is keeping as a “reserve”.
The construction and revamping of these
facilities required an investment of more
than 600 million Euro over a three-year pe-
riod. More than 3,000 people worked on
the different phases of these four projects.
The presence of FCC and Alpine in the
UEFA Euro 2012 reinforces the leader-
ship of the Citizens’ Services Group in