contract in Norway
ALPINE, has been awarded a €170 million
Euro contract (1,318,000,000 Norwegian
kroners) in Oslo, Norway.
The National Rail Administration, “Jernba-
neverket” and the Norwegian Highway Ad-
ministration, “Statens vegvesen” are plan-
ning the construction of a new section of
motorway and railway to the north of Oslo
running parallel to Lake Mjøsa.
The main railway between Oslo and Tron-
dheim will run along the east bank of the
lake and will be part of the European E6
motorway, one of the primary roads con-
necting northern and southern Scandina-
vian countries.
The project consists of the construction of
a section of railway and motorway between
Langset and Brøhaug which is slated to be
completed by 2016. The section of the E6
motorway will be 6.4 km long and the rai-
lway will be a dual track section measuring
5.2 km long.
The motorway will run through the 630 m
Korslund Tunnel and the section of railway
will run through the 580 m Molykkja Tunnel
to be built by ALPINE.
The contract also calls for the construction
of 8 km of bike paths and approximately 8
km of local roads.
FCC signs a €170 million road and rail construction
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