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Social Responsibility
Aqualia departments throughout Spain
have organized various events to celebrate
World Water Day on 22 March in a special
way. These activities were developed ba-
sed on the social vision of water manage-
ment, as befits Aqualia as a company that
collaborates with local administrations to
provide a public service.
As an example of the actions carried out
in all areas, a group of students visited the
Oviedo office where they attended a pre-
sentation on the end-to-end water cycle in
their city.
Neighbourhood associations were the pro-
tagonists in Santander. They were offered
the chance of visiting the springs that su-
pply water to the city. The promise made by
one of the fifty students from Ibiza of “stop
drinking Coca-Cola” after visiting the desali-
nation plant summarises the success of this
event at the capital of the island of Ibiza.
The branch office at Santa Eulalia del Río (Ibi-
za) inaugurated a drawing exhibition which
was visited by the councillors, directors and
study supervisors at the town’s schools In
Tomelloso (Ciudad Real), the events were
held as part of the City Council’s Agenda
21, with several talks, workshops, experi-
ments, all followed by hot chocolate.
Group photograph taken at the end of the visit to the Ibiza desalination plant.