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prize to
El Realito project finance deal
Managers of Aqualia, lCA
and Banco Santander
collect the ‘Latin American
Water Deal of the Year’
award at a gala event held
in New York
This project
finance deal has also
been nominated for this
year’s Global Water
lntelligence awards
Euromoney’s Project Finance Magazine
awarded “Latin American Water Deal of the
Year 2011” prize to the El Realito (Mexico)
finance deal. The magazine’s committee
highlighted the innovative financial agre-
ement, “a complex structure involving the
government, companies, trust funds, and
banks with equally complex letters of cre-
dit”. This structure includes three trusts plus
the involvement at three levels; federal, sta-
te, and local, of the Mexican government.
José Miguel Janices, deputy-manager of
Aqualia Concessions, collected the award
accompanied by Naoll Mary, the director of
Aqualia Concessions in Mexico, jointly with
representatives of ICA, the local partner,
and representatives from Banco Santander
the bank responsible for the project finance.
Projects from other countries such as Peru,
Chile, and Brazil, were also award-winners.
In the photograph, managers of Aqualia, ICA y Santander collecting the prize.