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wins lts First Contract in
Qatar, Worth 38.7 Million Euros
describes the cases of Santander
and of the Moravia-Silesia region
Private Engineering Office (PEO), a gover-
nment agency, has chosen a joint venture
partnering FCC Construcción with Petro-
serv Ltd to tackle phase II of the Barzán de-
velopment work in Al Wajba, 15 kilometres
from Qatar’s capital. The contract is worth
close to 39 million euros and stipulates a
20-month completion period.
The job site lies close to the Doha-Dukhan
highway. It involves the demolition of
existing buildings and paved surfaces,
stripping-out of old services, earthworks,
Aqualia participated in the local seminar
on water management and urban develo-
pment entitled “European experiences in
small and medium-sized cities” held on 20,
21 and 22 March at the Europa Congress
and Exhibition Palace of Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Organized by Aguas Municipales de Vitoria
Gasteiz, the seminar was mainly aimed at
agents involved in supply management and
planning agents, companies and entities
engaging in water supply in urban environ-
ments, municipal technicians, and suppliers
of goods and services for this sector. The
goal of this event was to share interesting,
successful, and sustainable initiatives in the
various water-management related aspects
in small and medium-sized European mu-
The seminar on 20 March, focused on the
presentation of the event and the participa-
ting cities, was organized by politicians in
charge of this aspect from each of the cities
and towns. The representatives of Aqualia
asphalt agglomerate laying, resumption of
interrupted services, lighting systems, high-
and low-voltage power distribution networ-
ks and water pipes.
The contract also includes 16 electrical
substations of five types differentiated by
floor area (from 160 to 400 m2). All the buil-
dings are one storey only, with a flat roof
and concrete structure, surrounded by
stuccoed cinderblock walls.
were the departments from the city of San-
tander and from the Moravia-Silesia region.
The subject of the speech given by María
Tejerina, councilwoman from the Environ-
ment Department of Santander, was “San-
tander: a city looking at the future. Water
management model. Indicators”. Václav
Holecek, deputy-mayor of Petrvald was the
representative from the Czech Republic.
In the following days, the participating ci-
ties focused on technical aspects. Aqualia’s
representatives were Emilio Fernández,
Manager of Aqualia Santander, and Mislov
Kyncl, managing director of SmVaK, who
spoke on “Collaboration of the public and
private sectors on water management and
At the urban development international seminar in Vitoria-Gasteiz
Emilio Fernández Rodríguez Liévana, manager of Aqualia’s branch office in Santander.