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renews its
OHSAS 18001
Audelco, en ENAC-accredited auditor, has
renewed various FCC business areas’ OH-
SAS 18001 certification. This internationa-
lly-recognised standard certifies that the
workplace occupational hazard prevention
systems comply with this international stan-
The certifications were collected by the
workplace health and safety managers
from the Construction, Environment, Versia,
and Ámbito areas, by the head of Aqualia,
and by the General Manager of Human Re-
sources, on behalf of the department.
Since 2005
FCC initially obtained this certification in Spain in 2005 and has maintained it in all
of its businesses by means of annual audits, with certification renewals every three
sign a cooperation
agreement on
road safety
Francisco Martín Monteagudo, FCC
Group’s General Director of Human Resour-
ces, and Luis Montoro González, Chairman
of the Spanish Foundation for Road Safe-
ty (FESVIAL) have signed an agreement to
work together on road safety which outli-
nes the relations for undertaking joint ac-
tions. This initiative is part of the 2010-2015
Strategic Plan for Road Safety that FCC is
currently developing.
The document lays the foundation for coo-
peration and reflects both parties’ concerns
and interest in developing, promoting and
coordinating awareness-raising activities
which help prevent traffic accidents and
promote road safety education.
As part of its commitment to continuous
improvement and in line with its focus on
citizen services and its employee services
policy, FCC views traffic accidents as a so-
cial and labour problem and is implemen-
ting a group-wide corporate culture of road