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FCC Ámbito achieved its 0 accidents ob-
jective last December in all the countries
where it operates Spain, United States,
Italy, and Portugal. Moreover, no accidents
were recorded in the activities of this divi-
sion in Portugal.
Thanks to the meticulous preventive mea-
sures, great strides have been achieved,
such as reducing accidents at the work pla-
ce by 42% in the past three years. These
measures include the creation of the Pre-
vention Department in Spain and the OH-
SAS 18001 safety and occupational health
certificate in FCC Ámbito’s industrial waste
department in Spain and Portugal. As one
of the achievements of this division, is the
Preventive Management prize awarded in
the first edition of the prevention prizes or-
FCC Ámbito
achieves its objective of
zero accidents
The accident rate in 2011 was down by
23.7% (29.5% in Spain). Furthermore no
accidents were recorded in December at
any of the installations in Spain, the Uni-
ted States, Italy, and Portugal. The colla-
boration and involvement of all workers is
necessary for achieving these objectives,
including bosses, supervisors, and workers
at our facilities up to regional managers, bu-
siness managers and managing directors.
The work carried out by the coordinators
and prevention technicians at FCC Ámbito
should also be mentioned.
¿What is FCC Ámbito’s policy on the
prevention of occupational hazards?
Our objective is to reduce the accident rate
until reaching the final goal, aligned to FCC’s
policies and the Corporate Social Respon-
sibility Master Plan; that is, 0 accidents. To
achieve this goal, we believe that the most
ganized by FCC to the Cataluña and Balea-
ric Islands delegation for safety and occu-
pational health
effective way is the integration of prevention
in management, training, workers’ involve-
ment, and monitoring and complying with
inspection and maintenance plans.
How has this preventive policy been im-
Firstly, and most importantly, this has been
implemented thanks to the high level of
involvement of all FCC Ámbito personnel.
The accident rate in Spain as well as in all
our international activities is monitored on
a monthly basis. We encourage prevention
training among workers, with courses given
mostly by prevention technicians, and com-
ply with current law. Specifically, we have
mandatory inspections due to the nature of
our installations. The instructions given by
FCC Ámbito management fit in perfectly
with the structure of our organization and
the entire chain of command has fulfilled
their functions according to their responsi-
Have workers become involved in acci-
dent prevention?
Our workers, as great professionals, are
perfectly aware of the risks to which they
are exposed and, in situations where it has
been difficult to find a solution to the pro-
blem, we have counted with their support
and their solutions which, after a techni-
cal analysis, were able to be implemented
thanks to which we obtained great results.
What is most important to prevent acci-
dents at the work place?
The collaboration of the entire chain of
command, from senior management to
all members of the organization, particu-
larly the supervisors at installations and, of
course, workers who comply with the regu-
lations and who, when in doubt, seek the
advice of the prevention technicians or their
Mª Guadalupe Bobadilla Crespo
Manager of FCC Ámbitos Department of Prevention, Quality, and the Environment