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Cementos Portland
Valderrivas Group’s
Solidarity Campaign
Through this campaign, any Cementos
Portland Valderrivas Group employee in
Spain can donate one Euro each month
which is then matched by the company and
earmarked for various solidarity projects vo-
ted by the participants.
Six projects were selected as beneficiaries
of the “Euro Solidarity” campaign. Among
the projects presented and selected, the
one which received the most votes, 28%
of the total, was the Clínica Josefina Arregui
Since November 2008 until September
2011, more than 39,000 Euros were co-
llected and distributed among the following
projects: Clínica Geriátrica Josefina Arregui
de Alsasua (Navarre); Alcalareña de Educa-
ción Especial de Alcalá de Guadaíra (Sevi-
lle); Centro Social Tío Antonio for its pro-
Thanks to this initiative, the
Portland Valderrivas Group
has a volunteer donation
fund for various social projects
ject “Café de las Sonrisas” that is carried
out in Nicaragua; Escuela de Educación
Especial L´Espiga de la Comarca del Alto
Penedés (Barcelona) which provides ser-
vices to people with disabilities and pro-
motes their social integration; Asociación
DISMA de El Masnou (Barcelona) and the
NGO Amigos de África for developing the
“Drinking Water for Everyone” project in
Cameroon which will shortly receive the
money that was collected.