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Citizen Conduct Manual
On 1 March at the FCC offices in the Torre
Picasso building, Juan García Pérez was gi-
ven the second e-book raffled among FCC
workers who collaborated in the Citizen
Conduct Manual.
Juan José is in charge of the FCC Me-
dio Ambiente de Barcelona Exterior de-
partment with a team of 110 workers. His
collaboration in drafting the manual is preci-
sely on people and comradeship.
“Comradeship at the workplace seems
so easy, so abstract, we all say we are
everyone’s colleagues, but, are we really, or
are we just colleagues of our own interests?
What are we willing to do for our collea-
gues? Who are our colleagues? We believe
that our colleagues are our equals, in cate-
gory, in ideas, almost always our superiors.
That too, since we want to get along well.
The truth is that we are everybody’s colle-
agues, from the last operator to the mana-
ging director since we all share a common
goal, or at least, we should. As colleagues,
we all need and support each other, ever-
yone in their functions; none is better, just
different. The blue-collar worker should feel
a colleague of the entire organization. It
is the responsibility of managers to make
each and every worker feel that they are co-
lleagues who are working on the same job
and for the same goal. All should feel that
they have the backing of a Group such as
ours and it is better to be part of the group
than to be excluded.
Let all of us make an effort to be
true colleagues
Last February 2011, FCC launched an
initiative to create a manual on manners,
good conduct and citizen practices. Sin-
ce then, 150 employees have contributed
more than 250 ideas which will serve as the
basis for developing th4 FCC Citizen Con-
duct Manual.
The aim of this program is to generate
changes in many of our attitudes inside and
outside the company. We are certain that all
your contributions will be of help in creating
a valuable document on citizens’ conducts
that will contribute to have a better city, feel
more comfortable at work, be more plea-
sant and polite with those around us, be
more respectful, in short, contribute to buil-
ding a healthier and more sustainable social
and environmental atmosphere.
Second e-book awarded
From left to right: Ana de Juan, from the FCC Communications Department; Juan José Pérez, head
of FCC Medio Ambiente de Barcelona, and Juana Crespo, head of the Group’s internal communica-
tions area.