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Castilla-La Mancha Television honoured
Daniel Almirón, a worker at FCC Industrial
the “exemplary neighbour” prize for his he-
roic actions to save the life of a young man
last 1 October while he was training.
The local TV station gives out these prizes
every year to recognise the work of anon-
ymous citizens who, with their small gestu-
res, contribute to social, economic, scienti-
fic, and cultural development in the region.
First Aid courses
Daniel has been working at FCC industrial
for more than nine years, performing work
on the high voltage grid at one of the sub-
sidiary of FCC’s facilities in Toledo. Since
he joined the company, Daniel, as well as
other colleagues, has taken several cour-
ses to complete training in high voltage
work. Many of these courses are not me-
rely focused on professional aspects, offe-
ring FCC employees very valuable tools for
their day-to-day lives. This was the case in
relation to the First Aid course that is given
to all FCC Industrial personnel working at a
project. The 10-hour course is given every
year to all employees who work at the sites
of this FCC subsidiary.
The first aid course saved the life of a 12
year old boy at the Toledo Sports Club Soc-
cer School who fainted last 1 October 2011
when he suffered cardiac-respiratory arrest.
Very valuable training
Daniel Almirón
awarded the
Anonymous Heroes 2011 Prize
The reanimation procedures carried out by
Daniel before the medical services arrived
were essential and permitted the minor to
arrive alive at the Hospital Virgen de la Sa-
lud in Toledo where defibrillation was per-
formed. The physicians who cared for the
youngster underscored the importance of
the first aid procedures performed by Da-
niel thanks to which, the young boy did not
suffer any consequences or brain damage.
The training provided by FCC in all of its
companies and business areas is neces-
sary not merely for professional reasons
but also, as in this case, becomes a very
valuable tool.