Page 6 - FCC-N9-eng

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FCC Energía, Fundación
ACS, Cepsa, CLH, Enagas,
Endesa, Gas Natural
Fenosa and Fundación
Repsol have created the
Foundation for Sustainable
Energy and Environment, a
centre for the investigation
and analysis of
energy-related economic,
environmental, and social
With its headquarters in Barcelona, the new
foundation will conduct studies and promo-
te research on the following subjects based
on an international perspective.
Energy and environmental policies for
sustainable development: including stu-
dies to evaluate policies aimed at main-
taining environmentally friendly econo-
mic development and competitiveness
in the Spanish energy market, conside-
ring its dependency on foreign sources.
Energy and energy markets: studies on
the deregulation and creation of supra-
national energy markets and the harmo-
nisation of standards, incorporating new
generation technologies and transport
and distribution networks.
Energy technologies and the promotion
of R+D+i: investigate how to seize new
opportunities in the sector arising from
the transition process to low carbon te-
chnologies, promoting a program adap-
ted to the Spanish business fabric.
The importance of the energy sector in the
competitiveness of our economy, the deve-
lopment and implementation of the neces-
sary technological changes, particularly in
terms of energy savings and effciency, de-
Foundation for
Energy and
and other sector companies
create this research and analysis centre
Antonio Llardén, CEO of Enagas; Florentino Pérez, CEO of ACS; Carmen Cagiga, director of Cepsa’s Corporate Affairs; Borja Prado, CEO of Endesa;
José Luis López de Silanes, CEO of CHL; Antonio Brufau, CEO of Repsol; Baldomero Falcones, CEO and chairman of FCC; Salvador Gabarro, CEO of
Gas Natural Fenosa.
regulation processes, the presence of Spa-
nish energy companies in international mar-
kets and, lastly the political commitment to
sustainable development, makes it neces-
sary to have an organization committed to
rigorous analysis and scientifc knowledge
that exerts an international infuence. The
objective of the Foundation for Sustainable
Energy and Environmental is to address
these issues and to become a reference
Spanish institution.
The entity will round up its activities with
information measures, generating debate
and creating public opinion among deci-
sion-making public and private entities.