Page 33 - FCC-N9-eng

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addresses challenges to
communities in the future
FCC has published its 6th Annual Corpo-
rate Social Responsibility (CSR) Report, for
2010. The report was audited by KPMG
and conforms to the highest application le-
vel (A+) recognised by the Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI), an organisation responsible
for the most prevalent global standards for
non-fnancial reporting by companies.
The report deals with the challenges facing
communities in the future, such as rapid ur-
ban growth and population ageing, with a
specifc focus on environmental excellence.
As a citizen services group, FCC is prepa-
red to respond to these challenges with a
people-centred vision.
The issues covered in the report were se-
lected by a Committee of Experts compri-
sing professionals in communication, cons-
truction, public administration and services,
among others. The committee identifed
a series of challenges to which FCC must
Aqualia has published its Corporate So-
cial Responsibility (CSR) report which
describes the work that the Company
has carried out over the course of 2010.
The text outlines the tools implemented
to maintain constant contact with its
stakeholders thereby contributing to the
ongoing improvement of its management
and the surroundings where it conducts
its activities. To this end, the Company
follows the guidelines established in
the FCC Code of Ethics, undertaking
to comply with the ten principles of the
United Nations Global Pact and with the
lines defned in the FCC Corporate Social
Responsibility Master Plan 2009-2010.
Aqualia publishes
its ffh CSR Report
Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report
respond. The 2010 Report is complemen-
ted by a status report on the objectives of
the 2nd Corporate Responsibility Master
Plan, which concluded last year.
The report provides a global vision of the
Group’s commitments and practices in
the area of CSR, including policies rela-
ted to environmental protection, ethics,
the workplace, and equality; it also covers
FCC’s sustainable development initiatives
relating to the economy, society and the
environment, among others.