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“It was a very complex project, with many
project units. Assembling the bridge
decks was an additional diffculty, although
a great challenge. I do not remember ha-
ving ever worked in a project lasting a year
or less, it is easier than to build a large pro-
ject than a smaller one because you have
more resources and more personnel”, Pa-
blo López told us.
The operations are advancing as usual.
The ship enters accompanied by a tug
boat which, if necessary, corrects the iner-
tia due to the wind. The ship, once inside
the lock, is anchored. The flling and emp-
tying operations makes it possible to bring
the level of water to the same level as the
river and harbor, enabling the passage of
the ship.
Eloy Saiz San Pedro, the project manager,
has been working at FCC since 1999, and
has collaborated in other projects, such as
El Balcón del Guadalquivir or the Seville-
Cordoba road, both in Cordoba. “The
most complicated part” he said, was “ma-
king metal and concrete compatible, com-
bine civil works with elecromechanics”.
“It’s a shame that it’s over” he added, “we
spent a lot of time together and formed
a great team of up to 250 workers when
production was at it peaks. We shared
many things during these ears, and even
took part in a soccer leagues competing
against other companies in Seville”.
“All kinds of things happened over these
fve years, from a pair of eagles that deci-
ded to build their nest in the cranes, which
we respected until the chicks were born,
Eloy Saiz San Pedro, project manager, has been
working at FCC since 1999.