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and is one of the few of its kind in Spain.
The 7,000 meter square facility is situated in
the Comte de Serte business park in Cas-
Commissioning of the new plant required an
investment of more than 3.5 million Euros.
With a treatment capacity of 45,000 tons
of waste per year, the plant is expected to
produce around 30,000 tons of alternative
fuel with high calorifc value, chlorine-free,
dry, easily handled and stable.
The plant’s objective is to optimize recovery
of the industrial solid waste managed by
FCC Ámbito. The fuel produced from the
non-hazardous industrial waste will repla-
ce conventional fuels, such as petroleum
coke, in varying proportions depending on
the specifc kiln.
In order to maximize the advantages of the
new plant, FCC entered into an agreement