Page 23 - FCC 120 years
P. 23

Quarrying of materials for
 construction projects. Barcelona.
                                    In the summer of 1934,
                                    approval was given for
                                    the construction of the
                                    Hipódromo de la Zarzuela.
                                    Work began in 1935, but was
                                    interrupted in July 1936 by
                                    the Spanish Civil War. After
                                    hostilities ended, the track
                                    was nothing more than a pile
                                    of rubble at the gateway to
                                    Madrid. Initial reconstruction
                                    work began in 1940 and
                                    was completed in May 1941,
                                    when the venue was formally   Formal opening of the Hipódromo de la Zarzuela.
                                    opened.                   Madrid.


          Street sweeper on the                                                          In Barcelona we built the
          Plaza de España. Barcelona.
                                                                                         new Sants passenger railway
                                                                                         station, along with other
                                                                                         amenities for the district.

                                                              Colmenar Viejo stone crushing
                                                              plant. Madrid.

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