We are FCC - Nº9

comprising Aqualia and the government-owned company Majis Industrial Services was awarded the contract to develop and manage over the next 20 years the operation and maintenance of all water-related services (catchment, desalination, distribution and treatment) in the Sohar port area, which is the most important in northern Oman. The total volume of expected revenue associated with this contract amounts to some €120M. FCC sells a minority interest in FCC Aqualia for €1,024M The sale of a 49% minority stake in the parent company of the Water area, FCC Aqualia, to fund manager IFM for €1,024M was completed in September. The disposal proceeds were mostly used to reduce financial debt at the Group parent by more than €800M and, coupled with the new funding raised, repay FCC, S.A.’s previous syndi- cated loan. The remaining proceeds from the sale are earmarked for various corporate purposes. FCC Aqualia maintained its corporate structure and management team after this transaction. The entry of the new shareholder enhances the com- pany’s ability to grow and is a testimony to its track record. Presentation of the first electric-mobility plat- form for municipal environmental services Over the past four years FCC Medio Ambiente has led a consortium that has developed a platform for highly versatile and efficient environmental servi- ce vehicles that combine 100% electric operation with an auxiliary natural gas system. This bus pro- vides a solution that can be adapted to several types of needs, with more than 50% energy sa- vings compared to conventional vehicles and the elimination of their polluting emissions. Middel East and Africa 10.6% United Kingdom 12.6% Water 28.7% Cement 8.2% Construction 7.5% Corporate services and others 4.3% Spain 54.4% Environment 51.3% Rest of Europe and Others 9.3% Latin America 7.1% Czech Republic 4.7% US and Canada 1.3% (M€) Net sales EBITDA EBITDA margin EBIT EBIT margin Income attributable to equity holders of the parent company Net equity Net financial debt Backlog Dic. 18 5,989.8 861.2 14.4% 485.9 8.1% 251.6 1,958.8 2,691.4 28,971.9 Dic. 17 5,802.0 815.4 14.1% 435.9 7.5% 118.0 938.5 3,579.5 29,377.4 Var. (%) 3.2% 5.6% 0.3 p.p 11.5% 0.6 p.p 113.2% 108.7% -24.8% -1.4% Key figures % income by region % EBITDA by Business Area F C C G R O U P 6 F C C G R O U P