We are FCC - Nº9

FCC to build and operate in the United Kingdom of the largest energy-from-waste plants in Europe Animal adoption campaign launched in Almuñecar (Granada) New recycling centre opens in Fengate, UK FCC Environment awarded several recycling centres in Suffolk County, United Kingdom Q” Tourist Quality Award from the Xunta de Galicia The FCC Chair in Occupational Risk Prevention and Human Resources is one year old FCC Environment (the British subsidiary of the Environmen- tal Services area of the FCC Group) and the Danish fund Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), holding a 40% and 60% share, respectively signed the financial closing documents for the construction of the Sustainable Energy Plant at Lostock, northwest of England. The construction of the project requires an investment of GBP 480 million (approximately EUR 560 million). FCC Medio Ambiente and ALmuñecar City Council colla- borated with APAMA; the Animal Protection Association in launching a campaign to encourage residents to adopt abandoned animals. The new Peterborugh Recycling Centre in Fengate, Cambridgeshire in the UK has been brought into operation. Over the next 10 years it will be managed by FCC Environment, which has also de- signed and built this new centre, which has twice the capacity of the previous plant in Dogsthorpe. The centre also in- cludes an educational area so that resi- dents of the municipality can learn more about the different recycling processes. Suffolk County awarded FCC Environment a contract for managing its network of 11 recycling centres throughout the county providing services to 750,000 inhabitants for a term of eight years and a portfolio worth more than 30 million euros. The Xunta de Galicia, throu- gh its Tourism Agency, has awarded FCC Medio Am- biente a diploma of recogni- tion for having received the “Q” quality mark. The FCC Company Chair in Oc- cupational Risk Prevention and Human Resources was created in March 2018 in conjunction with the University of Zaragoza with the aim of supporting stu- dies and research in the area of Occupational Risk Prevention and Human Resources and to mutually benefit from the results of these R+D+i projects. FCC at the Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUM) Congress Bilbao 2019 FCC Medio Ambiente par- ticipated in the first edition of the Sustainable Urban Mobility (SUM) international congress, an event that was created with the aim of re- flecting on the future of mo- bility and its impact on the achievement of the Sustai- nable Development Objec- tives (ODS) in 21st century cities, held in Bilbao. Present at the Climate Change Conference in San Sebastian FCC Medio Ambiente participated in the Interna- tional Conference on Climate Change, “Change the Change”, held from 6 to 8 March 2019 in San Sebastián, the aim of which is to mobilise citizens towards a personal commitment to climate chan- ge. The conference, part of the UN initiative Mo- mentum for Change and organised by the Basque Department of the Environment in collaboration with the Spanish Government, the Guipúzcoa Provincial Council and San Sebastián City Council, was held as part of the “Climate Change Week”, Asteklima. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 54 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F