We are FCC - Nº9

FCC increases its net profit in 2018 by 113.2% to €251.6M In 2018 FCC obtained a net attributa- ble profit totalling €251.6M, up 113.2% compared to the €118M recorded in 2017. This was essentially due to the good performance of operating activi- ties, the reduction in financial expen- ses and the larger contribution from investee and associated companies. FCC Group revenues in 2018 rose by 3.2% year-on-year and amoun- ted to €5,989.8M. This improvement is largely due to the development of the Environmental (3.2%) and Water (8.7%) areas, accompanied by more demand in the Cement (9.5%) area. thanks to the increase in the revenue from the Group’s business areas, the operational actions taken to increase efficiency, new synergies and the di- verse measures addressing increa- ses in productivity. The performance of the Environmen- tal area in terms of EBITDA growth in the business areas is notable due to its large contribution to the Group, showing 3.7% growth to €441.4M. The Cement area is also showed strong performance, climbing 22.7% to €70.9M on the back of the impro- vement of the business in Spain. The There was a slight contraction in the Construction area, particularly inter- nationally, due to the impact of the depreciation of certain currencies against the euro. Accordingly, adjus- ted by the effect of the exchange rate in the Group’s various international business areas, consolidated reve- nue in constant currency increased by 4.4% during the period. Gross operating profits (EBITDA) obtained by the Citizens Services company amounted to €861.2M at year-end 2018. This represents 5.6% growth over the preceding year, Results 2018 F C C G R O U P 4 F C C G R O U P