We are FCC - Nº9

FCC Construcción was recent- ly awarded a contract for the last phase of the enlargement project of the San Juan de Dios Hospital in Seville, with a budget of nearly 25 million euros. The works consist of the com- pletion of the interior of the new building, which includes mason- ry, carpentry, cladding, interior ironworks, painting, electrome- chanical installations, communi- cation and security. FCC Construcción works on the enlargement of Hospital San Juan de Dios (Seville), a hospital with a history of more than 75 years This phase marks the completion of the expansion work of this hos- pital, inaugurated in 1943. The pro- ject, which was under the techni- cal direction of the architect Javier Jiménez Sánchez-Dalp, consisted The project consisted of three phases, developed entirely by FCC Construcción, totalling more than 10 million euro. construction B U S I N E S S 16 B U S I N E S S