We are FCC - Nº9

FCC Environmental Services The largest county in South-East Florida, the county is comprises 38 cities Founded in 1909, Palm Beach County owes its name to its first city, Palm Beach. Today , a century and ten years after its founding, the County awarded FCC Environmen- tal Services (the U.S. subsidiary of the FCC Group environmental business area) a solid urban was- te collection contract worth $215M (about 191M€) for a seven-year term starting on 1 October 2019. The Company’s Environment Busi- ness Area has been providing mu- nicipal services for over more than 100 years. Its success is based on its commitment to innovation and to helping cities become smarter, more sustainable and more socially responsible. The contract contemplates the pro- vision of services in two of the four districts included in the tender, al- though no bidder could be awarded more than two of these. FCC was the only company to be awarded two of these districts. The contract contemplates the co- llection of waste from approximate- ly half of the county which has a to- tal population of 1.3 million people. Besides the collection of waste, the contract includes recycling, yard and bulky waste. It is impor- tant to point out that the service also includes the exclusive right for the collection of all commercial waste during the term of the con- tract in the districts awarded, so- mething that is not very frequent in these types of tenders. This will contribute significant additio- nal revenues due to the important tourist activity in Palm Beach. FCC will provide the service with a brand new fleet of 108 vehicles, including 90 collection trucks and other ancillary units, and will ge- nerate more than 120 jobs, in- cluding a significant part of them among local companies that FCC will subcontract. environment B U S I N E S S 12 B U S I N E S S