We are- Nº8

The European Union takes Aqualia’s LIFE projects as its management model Guía de Isora renews its confidence in Entemanser for another 20 years Aquaelvas and Aquamaior deserve quality recognition from the Portuguese regulator The Empalme - Guaymas desali- nation plant will solve the shorta- ge of drinking water in the state of Sonora (Mexico) “En clave Mujeres” an event by Aqualia for equality and against gender violence led by the Vice President of the Government, Carmen Calvo. The Jaén water service participates in the workshop of the 12th edition of the European Benchmarking Cooperation (EBC) A delegation of five EU representa- tives from Greece and Cyprus has travelled to Spain to find out first-hand how the projects financed by the LIFE (Environment and Climate Action) pro- gramme are developing in our country. During their visit to Aqualia, the Innovation and Technology team, headed by its director, Frank Rogalla, presented the progress of the five ongoing LIFE projects being developed by the company, which have their own budget of more than 3 million euros and a 60% subsidy from the European Union. Guía de Isora City Council continues to trust Entemanser to manage the public drinking water supply service for the municipality, located in the southwest of the island of Tene- rife, as it is the most advantageous offer for the residents of the municipality. The term of the contract is ten years, with two extensions of five years that could extend until 2038, under the form of administrative concession. The contract adds 57 million euros to the company’s portfolio. Aquaelvas and Aquamaior, companies ow- ned by Aqualia that manage the end-to-end water cycle in the Portuguese towns of El- vas and Campo Maior, have received the quality seal from the Portuguese Water and Waste Services Regulatory Entity (ERSAR). This distinction includes these companies as part of the group of water resource ma- nagers that offer “excellent water for human consumption”. Claudia Pavlovich Arellano, go- vernor of the Mexican state of So- nora, presided over the ceremony marking the start of construction of the new Empalme-Guaymas des- alination plant, which will involve an investment of 738 million pesos (almost 32 million euros) and will supply up to 18,000 m³ of drinking water a day. The contract includes the operation and maintenance of the facility for a period of 20 years and the plant has been awarded the IAgua 2018 Prize for Best Contract. The Vice President of the Go- vernment of Spain and Minister of the Presidency, Relations with the Courts and Equality, Carmen Calvo, starred in the forum “En_ clave Mujeres” organized in Tole- do by El Digital CLM with the co- llaboration of Aqualia. The event, moderated by the well-known journalist and co-editor of El Digi- tal CLM Esther Esteban, was also attended by the Mayor of Toledo, Milagros Tolón, and Emi- liano García Page, president of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, and other personalities. The Municipal Water Service of Jaén, managed by Aqualia, has participated in the workshop of the XII edition of the European Bench- marking Cooperation (EBC) held recently in Athens. The data from Jaén stand out in aspects such as the good quality of the wastewater, the low rate of complaints per client and the efficiency in the costs of water production. In sanitation, the service stands out for the optimisa- tion of energy consumption in water treatment. On the other hand, areas of improvement have been detected in variables related to investments for the replacement of sanitation infrastructures and, to a lesser extent, of the supply networks. B R I E F - W A T E R 50 WATER B R I E F