We are- Nº8

First Spanish entity in obtaining the ICTE Tourist Q certification The LIFE4FILM on plastic film recycling of urban waste presented in Brussels FCC Ámbito’s refrigerator treat- ment plant: a key player against climate change and in favour of the circular economy Edinburgh plant begins incine- rating non-recyclable waste and exporting energy The Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality (ICTE) has awarded the Q FCC Environ- ment Brand specifically for services rela- ted to the conservation of parks, gardens and green areas, as well as the cleaning of beaches, coasts and coastal waters. The certificate was awarded at a ceremony held at FCC’s corporate headquarters. FCC Medio Ambiente presented the LIFE 4FILM pro- ject for recycling plastic film from urban waste during the launch event of the 2017 edition of the LIFE (Environment projects-Resource Efficiency /Waste) programme organi- sed by the European Commission in Brussels. This is the first LIFE project in which FCC Medio Ambiente acts as coordinator. The main objective is to prevent the plastic film (LDPE) present in solid urban waste from being sent to landfill or to energy recovery. Following the incorporation of the latest technology available on the market and a 60% in- crease in production capacity, the refrigerator treatment plant managed by FCC Ámbito at Pont de Vilomara (Barcelona) is at full capacity. The new facility, which has already treated more than 200,000 units, meets and ex- ceeds the strictest European en- vironmental standards in terms of emissions, gas recovery and material recovery, which reinfor- ces its important role in the fight against climate change and in favour of the circular economy. FCC Medio Ambiente begins incinerating non-recyclable waste and exporting energy at the Edinburgh and Midlothian energy recovery and recycling centre that serves the commu- nities of Edinburgh and Midlo- thian. This December the tur- bine was synchronised and for the first time a punctual export of energy to the grid was ca- rried out, which is expected to be regularised at the beginning of the year. FCC to respond to environmental emergencies in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country The Basque Government has awarded FCC Ámbito one of the two lots of the “Management of environmental in- cidents/emergencies and the waste generated therefrom” contract, which consists in dealing with incidents that could have an environmental impact in the Basque Autonomous Community, as well as the removal of waste generated in emergencies. Under this contract, FCC Ámbito will act as technical assistant to the Basque Government’s Depart- ment of the Environment and Territorial Policy. The e-mobility platform present at the International Summit on Climate Change (COP24) FCC Medio Ambiente was present at the UN conference on climate change that was held from 2 to 14 December 2018 in the city of Katowice, Poland. Felipe Urbano, Director of Development, Communication and Institutional Relations at FCC Medio Ambiente presented the new e-mobility plat- form for Urban Services vehicles, within the framework of the Circular Economy, energy efficiency and sustainability of intelligent cities. B R I E F - E N V I R O N M E N T 48 ENVIRONMENT B R I E F