We are- Nº8

C O M M U N I T I E S 46 C O M M U N I T I E S The construction of the drinking water supply network in the Czech region of Ostrava began in 1954 and lasted for four years. At the end of 1958, the first drop of water treated by the Podhradí DWTP reached the end user, inau- gurating a treatment and distribution system that already has 3 water treat- ment plants, 113 tanks and more than 500 kilometres of pipelines. On this 60th anniversary, SmVaK has decided to open the Podhradi water treatment plant to the public for seve- ral days. Since its construction, this key infrastructure for the network has produced 2.4 billion cubic meters of SmVaK , Aqualia’s Czech subsidiary, cele water supply in the Ostrava region. quality drinking water collected from the Slezská Harta - Kružberk reser- voir cascade. It has undergone a se- ries of renovations and upgradings, the most significant of which has been carried out in recent years for an amount of almost 130 million crowns (more than five million euros). The sixty-year old Ostrava network currently has a capacity of more than five cubic meters per second, enough flow to fill the Santiago Bernabéu sta- dium in two and a half days, and has an interconnected layout that maxi- mizes the reliability of the network by being able to combine the different Czech Republic The Podhradí Drinking Water Treatment Plant (DWTP) in the Czech Republic