We are- Nº8

C O M M U N I T I E S 45 C O M M U N I T I E S The section built by FCC, within the North Elevated Line Network, is the most advanced in terms of all the sec- tions that various international cons- truction companies are building. The viaduct is completely finished, and the stations are in the final phase of archi- tectural finishes and testing of electro- mechanical equipment. FCC’s success in this project has meant that it has been pre-quali- fied for the next phase of expan- sion of the Doha Metro, the exten- sion of the green line. This project is currently under technical eva- luation by the client. The project, called Red Line South Elevated & At Grade, consisted of the construction of a 6.9 km viaduct. The stations are in the final phase of architectural finishes and testing of electromechanical equipment.