We are- Nº8

C O M M U N I T I E S 44 C O M M U N I T I E S Last October FCC Construcción ob- tained the Taking Over certificates for the three elevated stations. In order to obtain this certificate, it was neces- sary to obtain prior approval from the local Civil Protection authorities, the external railway safety auditor and the GSAS 4* Sustainability certificate. The complementary works of the Highway Underpass were received in September, leaving all the works completely received by Qatar Rai- lways Co. The project, called Red Line South Elevated & At Grade, consisted of the construction of a 6.9 km viaduct (mostly built using the system of pre- fabricated segments and single gir- der) and three elevated stations of approximately 12,000 square metres each. The work has also included the movement of earth in an area of Metro de Doha (Qatar) 500,000 square meters to house the facilities of the Depot (garages). Complementary to the works of the subway, the project included the construction of an underpass for the Doha-Al Wakra highway of one kilo- metre in length. The contract started in March 2014, resulting in a final budget that has reached 695 million euros. The sa- tisfactory completion of the works is a very positive factor for the next award of Phase 2 of the Doha Metro, which consists of the expansion of the Green Line. FCC has submitted an offer to the client for these works, which have yet to be awarded by Qa- tar Railways. The successful comple- tion of this project joins the long list of transport projects completed by FCC around the world. Last January the Prime Minister of Qatar, Sheik Abdullah bin Nasser Al Thani, visited the Doha Metro wor- ks corresponding to the section that FCC Construcción, as leader of the FYAP Consortium, is carrying out in the Qatari capital. During the visit, the “Economic Zone” station, the Prime Minister and the rest of the authorities invited to the event toured the facilities and had the opportunity to get on the trains and follow the complete route of the project. Also in attendance was the Managing Director of Qatar Rai- lways, Abdulla Abdulaziz T. Al Su- baie, who congratulated the FCC representatives on the quality of the work carried out and the professio- nalism and commitment shown du- ring the execution of the project.